The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130120   Message #2926088
Posted By: Emma B
12-Jun-10 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Subject: RE: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
"Canada, addressing one of the darkest chapters in its history, formally apologised on June 12 2008 for forcing 150,000 aboriginal children into grim residential schools, where many say they were sexually and physically abused

Contemporary accounts suggest up to half the children in some institutions died of tuberculosis and other diseases.

Many survivors say they were abused mentally, physically and sexually. Children were beaten for speaking their own languages and told they would be damned unless they converted to Christianity."

Sometimes dreadful things happen close to home or by our close allies - in these instances perhaps all we can do is protest and demand that these things not be done 'in our name'
In fact, I believe that we have a 'duty' to do so

There are many atrocities in the world some committed by individuals, some by whole governments, many in the name of religion or as acts of agression - some as acts of desperation

Yesterdays 'freedom fighters' become tomorrows statesmen and 'terrorism' in one state is financially backed by members of another (even 'allies')

"Anyone who continues to post to this thread should be deeply ashamed of themselves for exploiting the fear and suffering of others to promote their sense of self righteousness."

My apoplogies Lox, but this will probably be my only contribution to this thread which, as mousethief points out, is attempting to use "the sufferings of others to score cheap rhetorical points."