The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129839   Message #2926277
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Jun-10 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it time for a gay president?
Subject: RE: BS: Is it time for a gay president?
Yeah, sometimes he does take it too far, Ebbie. And sometimes I've taken issue with something he said, but I don't get in an endless personal feud with him about it...I just disagree with what he says on that specific occasion, period. It's no reason for a feud.

Given that he posts a lot of quite interesting stuff which I have no reason to disagree with (some in the music section too), plus some other stuff that I do disagree with (such as that quip characterizing Michelle Obama as a chimp), I can simply deal with him as just another person here whom I disagree with on occasion. I don't have to turn him into some horrible boogeyman that I'll fight with on principle every time he posts something.

So I don't "rush to the barricades" every time he posts. ;-) My general impression is that you and Don do rush to the barricades every time GfS posts. Specially Don. And then GfS fights back, naturally, and the insults fly. And it goes on and on and on and a running joke. And I comment on that. Seems like much ado about nothing to me. Why not just discuss the specific issue that is being discussed and leave the personal vendetta out of it?

I don't think GfS would be hurling insults at you and Don had he not first been subjected to repeated insults. After all, he doesn't hurl insults at me, and we do not always agree about political matters by any means. We agree maybe half the time. That's okay with me. No sweat.

Likewise, I don't hurl personal insults at DougR...though we virtually NEVER agree about politics. ;-) I get vehement about the subject sometimes, but I don't hurl insults at him. How would it help anything to do that?