The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130136   Message #2926599
Posted By: Gurney
13-Jun-10 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nuneaton. Anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Nuneaton. Anyone?
Kat, it's a town in Warwickshire, England. Pronounced 'warricksheer, by the way, Dionne notwithstanding.
Originally, Joe, I believe it was Nuns Eatun. That's what I learned at school there, anyway. A Saxon farm by the little river there, (ea & tun)and later a convent or priory.
My home town. Pat Cooksey and I ran a folkclub at the Cock and Bear pub there long ago.
So far, it looks as if it was the last one ever.....
After I left, they started the Bedworth FF a couple of miles up the road. Makes you want to spit.