The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130146 Message #2926839
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Jun-10 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting enthusiasts only
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting enthusiasts only
Carlos Hathcock made a 1,000+ meter shot from an M-2 .50 caliber machinegun (1 bullet) in Vietnam. He also shot an enemy sniper who was shooting at him by sending a bullet down the enemy's telescope sight. General John Sedgewick was killed in the American Civil War by a Confederate sniper several hundred yards away. German, American, and British snipers made some amazing shots during WW I and II. For years the Camp Perry shooting matches in Ohio have had "One Mile Shooters" who do just that.
As someone who has done target shooting for 53 years now I have great respect for accuracy.
As a human being I hate it because we shoot at each other instead of paper targets. As someone who has a small understanding of human nature I don't see that changing any time soon.