The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25110   Message #292712
Posted By: John in Brisbane
07-Sep-00 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Help: Good Harmonica for Beginner?
Subject: RE: Help: Good Harmonica for Beginner?
I play chromatics much more than I do diatonic, but then again I'm not really into blues that much. But for vocal accompaniment or jazz it's hard to beat the rich sound of a chromatic. I'm no Larry Adler though because I used to buy them in C, D, G and A. They've become so expensive though that I can't afford to replace them and I have given up trying to find an Australian source for replacement reed plates (maybe they've become uneconomical to replace). One of the other reasons I started buying chromatics in keys other than C was that it's hard to get super accurate intonation when you're playing cross harp with lots of draw notes. I see that the site I referred above has some info on playing chromatic and the software now covers it as well. Regards, John