The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130146 Message #2927195
Posted By: Emma B
13-Jun-10 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting enthusiasts only
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting enthusiasts only
OK Rapaire. against my better judgement I watched this sickening video again although I tried to mute the triumphant song about the '21st C killing machines'
I saw the claim of a kill at one and a half miles and a telesccpic lens panning a building
My friend's children have exactly this kind of super macho arcade game and yes I understand well the policy of totally dehumanizing the 'enemy' which is why I have protested (and will continue to do so) on threads here against the use of names like 'Paki' etc when 'justified' as 'friendly banter'
I posted the video of the young Israeli soldier in another thread describing all inhabitants of Ramallah in the West Bank as 'dogs, gorillas' etc and 'animals not human like us'
Makes it so much easier to kill 'insurgents', women and children without any contact or conscience.