The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128217   Message #2927455
Posted By: Naemanson
14-Jun-10 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
Subject: RE: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
It's (almost) done! My carport now looks like a carport. The books either reside in bookshelves or in boxes, separated, categorized, and waiting for the floor to ceiling bookshelves I will one day install in the guest room.

The 'rents arrive the day after tomorrow. Still a lot to do but we are getting closer. I am looking forward to the days that are actually spent like vacation days.

The other day Wakana and I headed west to Agat. To get there you use Cross Island Road. About a mile or so from the other end the road heads down hill giving you wonderful views of Apra Harbor and Agat Bay. Because you are at the top of a high hill the view out to sea is very far.

Our favorite part of the drive is that view and the best time to see it is sunset. (Remember, we are headed west?) That afternoon we noticed the sun going down behind the most dramatic cloudscape we have ever seen.

Way off in the distance was a column of cloud that ran very high. Closer was an oval of cloud that obscured the top of the column. The effect was of seeing a giant mushroom shaped cloud. The sun was behind it lighting the sky with a glorious palette of reds and pinks. At the base of the column other clouds jumbled as if the base really was a nuclear explosion. It was amazing and so scary that I kept waiting for the pressure wave to hit us.

And before you suggest I should have had a camera I want you to know that there was no way a hand held camera could have taken the whole shot. We are talking huge!

Mika is doing well. He likes to follow us outside. When we leave him indoors he plops himself by the security door and falls asleep waiting for us to come back inside. Like every kitten he is consumed with curiosity.

Mama and Neko are starting to accept him. Mama even touched noses with him a couple of times today. She also follows him around when he is outside as if to protect him. Very cool.