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Thread #130120   Message #2928264
Posted By: Emma B
15-Jun-10 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Subject: RE: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Although it seems increasingly unlikely that the poster who brought up the issue of the rapidly escalating crisis in Kyrgyzstan has any genuine concern for the plight of the 100,000 refugees (many massing on the now closed border) or the dead, (possibly much higher than the official figures) or the actual causes of this dispute; latest reports have strengthened suspicions that the violence was deliberately ignited to undermine the interim government.

According to AP
"Rupert Colville, spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, told reporters in Geneva there was evidence the violence was coordinated and began with five simultaneous attacks in Osh by men wearing ski masks. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay also said the fighting "appears to be orchestrated, targeted and well-planned" and urged authorities to act before it spread further.

Bakiyev's younger son, Maxim, was arrested Monday in Britain, Kyrgyz security chief Kenishbek Duishebayev said. Prosecutors allege that companies he owned avoided almost $80 million in taxes on aviation fuel sold to suppliers of the U.S. air base near the capital of Bishkek.
Bakiyev's regime faced widespread allegations of corruption"

The UK press reports that -
"Maxim, son of ex-Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiyev, was arrested by UK Border Agency officials on Sunday minutes after he landed in a private jet at a small airport near Farnborough in Hampshire.

Bakiyev Jr was a key figure in the ousted regime, and had been holding talks with the Obama administration in Washington when mass street protests overthrew his father's government on 7 April.

Bakiyev Jr was in charge of the economics and investment portfolio. Kyrgyzstan's new interim government accuses him of stealing millions from state coffers.
Today, Almazbek Atambayev, an official in the new administration, said he had funded the unrest in the south of the country, and was guilty of worldwide money laundering.
Edil Baisalov, the leader of the newly formed Aikol El party and the provisional government's former chief of staff, called on the British authorities to keep Maxim Bakiyev in custody.

The AP reporter continues….
At a Nariman hospital, dozens of wounded Uzbeks lay in corridors and broken beds. Many at the hospital, which was out of medical supplies for a sixth day, claim the rampages had been premeditated.
"Well-armed people who were obviously well prepared for this conflict were shooting at us," said Teymurat Yuldashev, 26, who had bullet wounds in his arm and chest of different caliber. "They were organized, with weapons, militants and snipers. They simply destroyed us."