The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128767 Message #2928710
Posted By: maple_leaf_boy
15-Jun-10 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Subject: RE: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
I noticed that someone said they don't understand or like the beatles, but one day they might understand their music. I'm not particularly fond of their music either. I know it sounds like quasi-blasphemy. It's not because I'm young, and don't care about the 60s and the counter-culture, as someone else mentioned. I mostly like traditional folk music, and other styles of music I like tend to be more complex theory wise. Like Jazz music, for example. In fact, there are a lot of young people who do like the beatles.
I don't see why the church wouldn't make peace with them. I think that if they originally said "we might be just as popular or even more popular than Jesus", and laughed, then there might not have been such a big fuss over it. But, we can say "coulda, woulda, shoulda," all we want, it doesn't change the fact that the Vatican gave them the cold shoulder all those years.
I don't know a lot about young people who are Catholic, but I did notice that in my hometown, a lot of the Catholics similar to my age seemed to have stopped practicing their faith on a regular basis. (It could be the new choir, because they were just awful. The beatles sound better than they do.) I say that jokingly, because that's just my opinion. I was one of the last to go to church on a regular basis before I converted to paganism. I'm considering going back to the church. We'll see within the next few months.