The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130158   Message #2929459
Posted By: Bobert
16-Jun-10 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Amos, Amos, Amos
Subject: RE: Amos, Amos, Amos
Well, couple things...

First of all I'm a little concerned that my vasectomy need maintenance??? I mean, I thought it was good fir life??? But now it looks as if I gotta re-up... That is bothersome... I mean, they said it was a piece of cake the last time but...

...the day I went to get it there was a bomb threat at the clinic and then, rather than have one nurse oversee the doctor doin' the chop on poor ol' mee it seems like every danged nurse within a hundred miles was in there and...

...well, when yer about to get "chopped" ain't like Mr. Happy is too happy... No, might of afct, he's purdy unhappy and you know what that means??? Yeah, friggin' shrinkage!!!

Now here I was with what looked like a couple hundred womenz watchin' an' all I could think was, "This is purdy dfanged embarassin'... I mean, come on Mr. Happy... Just do a little poke yer head up but, no!!! He just pouted and there were probably a couple hundred women who went home that day thinkin', "Glad to be going home to Ralph or Charlie or..."

Then they said that in a day 'er two the pain a swelling would go away... Bull!!! It was two friggin' weeks!!!

I don't want to talk about this no more so if I gotta go fir a maintance procedure then count me out... If it's so wonderful then whoever thinks its a great idea can just go in fir me...
