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Thread #129466   Message #2929586
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Jun-10 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
The spill is ultimately BP's fault, because the circumnavigated the inspections. They complied with 6 out of 21, points of safety precautions. Had they done all 21, this would not have happened.

The administration is responsible for the foot dragging, to take care of it. The President should have called for a Federal disaster, early on. He didn't. That is ultimately his fault. Within 24 hours of the spill Norway, offered help, being as they were familiar with those problems up in the North Sea. Obama turned it down. The Netherlands offered help; he turned it down.

Two things that caught my attention, consistent with what I've been a tellin' you. Obama turned International offers of help down, for whatever reason(we can all speculate as to why), but whatever the reason, perhaps he should 'cool it' when he goes abroad and spouts off with apologies, because 'America is arrogant'. He is pretty damn arrogant, himself!

The other thing, that I heard on the 'news' today, and you can all hear it, is after the meeting at the White House, the BP chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, comes out, and addresses the people affected by the oil spill, saying he is going to pay for the damages, but uses the term, ' the little people' when referring to them!..PARDON ME???

To me, as I've posted before, that shows a contempt, and a 'looking down your nose' attitude toward folks, who are not one of his 'elite' class....just as the political elite disregard their constituents!

We are getting it from both sides! That being said, the Republicans are making hay of this whole sordid affair..BUT..they still have offered NOTHING for people to vote FOR, other than voting AGAINST the Democrat incumbents...which looks like a slam dunk. THIS IS STUPID!!

It should be obvious to even the most challenged observer, that this doesn't work. We just went through that with Bush..and look what we got!

Okay, enough for my 2 cents worth. I could go on, but some numb-nut will jump up, and frantically foaming at the mouth accuse me of being a bigot-homophobe-hater-of butterflies, and lady bugs!...and whale killer!