The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130233   Message #2929870
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
17-Jun-10 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Green Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Green Speech
I've heard a lot of this "Obama should have done something right away" nonsense spewing from Faux and its followers.

As a frequent contractor to the Federal government, I have some experience on which to base a quick thought experiment.

Here it is:
The federal government does not actually "do" much of anything. They hire contractors, and provide oversight. When the Corps of Engineers (for instance) is fixing a dam (for instance), they hire contractors to do the drilling and grouting, or whatever. This is largely because they do not have the necessary specialized equipment.

Obama steps in and has the Fed fix the spill. They will hire contractors. Who would be the contractors? Who has the specialized equipment? Yup, you guessed it - BP!

What Faux is really saying is: "let's pay BP to stop the leak instead of pushing them to do it on their own dime."

The Fed gets its money from whom? Yup, you got it - YOU!

Faux is really saying: "You citizens of the USA should be paying BP to stop the leak"

Brilliant. Doesn't sound quite like that when Hannity and Limbaugh say it, does it?

Some people really need to learn to **think**