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Thread #129466   Message #2930835
Posted By: CarolC
18-Jun-10 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
I would say characterizing people who are trying to get out important information about what BP is still doing wrong as engaging in a "barrage of vituperation" is the ad hominem that is in operation here, Don.

If we don't do it, it will get swept under the rug, which is precisely what BP is trying to ensure happens. As I've said at least twice now, all of BP's decisions since the blowout have been designed specifically to mitigate liability rather than to mitigate harm, and they are causing a lot more harm in the process. What part of "they are still causing harm" are you unable to understand? Do you really not give a shit that BP are ruining people's health for no reason other than to mitigate their liability?

Do you really not give a shit that they are right now causing immense harm to the ecology of the Gulf of Mexico for no reason other than to mitigate their liability? Do you really think that shutting up is the right thing to do while they are causing so much death and destruction for no reason other than to protect their corporate bottom line?