The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129208   Message #2930953
Posted By: Teribus
19-Jun-10 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Subject: RE: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Tony Hayward's testimony at the Congressional hearing had much of an "I don't know" and the "investigation is incomplete" flavor, although some 59 days have passed since the blowout- Nonsense!

Yet another idiotic announcement from Q

Tony Hayward was sworn in at the hearing? If so if he was asked a question and he did not know the answer then what answer should he give other than "I don't know"?

Has BP completed its investigation Q? A simple Yes or No will suffice. If it has not (and it has not) should the CEO of BP lie about it being completed and invent answers? Or should he simply state the truth that the investigation is incomplete and as such answers to detailed questions as to what failed and what went wrong will have to wait.

So 59 days have elapsed have they Q? Ample time for the BOP to have been recovered eh? Oh wait a minute they cannot recover anything from the site until the well has been sealed; the leak stopped; the site made secure and debris cleared out of the way. Only then can examine things in detail at the moment the priority is to reduce and stop the leak.

Oddly enough I was thinking back to the IXTOC I blow out, I worked on that and I was wondering how it compared. Subsea intervention was successfully provided by two Norwegian Dynamically Positioned Dive Support Vessels, the first to have worked in the GOM (Arctic Surveyor and Arctic Seal). Now then Q, IXTOC 1 was in much shallower water, don't know about drilling depth, but that took from 3rd June 1979 to 23rd March 1980 to get under control. But BP will have its relief wells drilled quicker than that won't they? In fact a great deal quicker than that. By the way Q on the SEDCO 135 did Pemex provide the drilling crews? Seeing how rig owners and operators only do the positioning, cook the meals and make the beds?