The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130131   Message #2930957
Posted By: Teribus
19-Jun-10 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Subject: RE: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
The evidence that the demonstrators fired at all comes from the army and MI6, whose evidence was given in secret, indeed, we're not allowed to know what it was. And they had every incentive to keep their own role in prolonging the war- because they'd have been out of a job otherwise. - Paul Burke

Somebody referred to the evidence presented and the balancing of that evidence by Lord Saville. Is the truth now known about the events of that day? No it is not because not everyone who should have gave evidence did they, all members of the OIRA and PIRA present in Londonderry on that day did not give evidence, and could not be compelled to give evidence as members of the Security Forces were, they have not been given the the opportunity to tell the truth and whatever evidence they might have given could not of course have been "balanced" by Lord Saville.

By the bye Paul I did not realise that MI6 and Army are or ever have been part time organisations. Your contention that:

they had every incentive to keep their own role in prolonging the war- because they'd have been out of a job otherwise.

Is utterly ridiculous.