The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2931267
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-Jun-10 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre-last chemo done - mommy is on the run!
Ahhhhhhhhhh.   A day at home. Lots of playtime with my son. Assembling the pack and play (OMGosh....this thing is RIDICULOUS and wonderful all at once!) with Pete. Jeremiah loves his new play space!

My bones are hurting....what else is new? I've put off taking the pain meds as I wanted to enjoy the day with my family but now it's getting late and I really am needing them. Pete is making pizza from scratch, Jeremiah is dry, fed and snoozing it's time.

I decided you guys are right....I'm not going to rush around with the baby nor am I going to sell any instruments right now...I don't care if it happens today or in a few months.

Being home with my family makes my heart happy beyond words.

I ordered a onsie for Jeremiah's first Relay for Life (coming up next month) has a blue teal ribbon and says, "I wear teal for my mommy."

:) Michelle