The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130307   Message #2931915
Posted By: SINSULL
21-Jun-10 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Reverse Auction of Maine Hideobilia
Subject: Reverse Auction of Maine Hideobilia
100% to Michael Harrison.

On the assumption that no one wants the remains of Larry the Lobster or the hideous non-matching 2' peacock made of bamboo and glitter, I am creating a reverse auction. You pay NOT to get the prize. I have most of your addresses and those I don't I can get. Micca? Jacqui? Amos? Spaw? FSGWers?
Who doesn't want them the most?
Get your donations in fast. Mark zero in the bid blank and let me know in the posting section how much you are paying NOT to get some Maine hideobilia.
Or else...