The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2932081
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jun-10 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
The opposite of "thuggery" is what we saw Exxon do afetr the Valdez oil spill which was to sandbag and try to duck responsibility... I'd like to see all these so-called conservatives go down to Louisiana and Mississippi and tell the folks down there whoes lives been ruined that they think that it would be best just to leave it to BP to determine how it wants to handle these folk's losses...

I really don't understand the thinking here of this new and very much unimproved brand of conservatism where corporations are permited to foul everyone elses land, water and air without any means of stopping them or making them pay for the damages they are leaving in their wake to higher profits... Imean, it's kinda like the folk who decide that the landfill is too far a drive so they just throw their old worn out TVs and mattresses on the side of the road... Same mentality and it seems that if the "dreaded government" tells folks they can't do that that this crop of conservatives will be the first to apologize to the guy who gets busted for thowing his worn out shit out on the side of the road???

beam me up, Scotty... The new Conservatives want Boss Hog to trash our planet...
