The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2932361
Posted By: LilyFestre
21-Jun-10 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre-Mommy+Daddy+Baby makes 3 Relay for Life
I did a lot this mornig while Jeremiah napped but then I lost my oomph. Met my Mom and Grandma for some iced tea and then hit the grocery store where I spent half an hour making photo prints for friends and family. Grocery shopping on top of that....Mama figured out how to use the car carrier in the shopping cart seat so baby doesn't have to touch the icky store cart. *all proud of myself* Jeremiah behaved himself very well. Mommy is tired and cranky...pulled something in my belly near my incision. ARG. Too much hoisting the baby in his car seat I'm afraid. No more for the next few days....ok, well...visiting some friends but's all home time from now on for a bit. Chemo is whooping my butt energy wise...I NEED to slow down.

Dinner is done, chores for the day are done and my Relay site is up and running...YAY.

Night all.

