The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129466   Message #2932491
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jun-10 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Thank you 'Ed' and 'Q'...I'll add it to the 'data banks' and compared notes with which I've been getting. I know, I have to consider the sources, but even if something is underplayed, or falsely represented, it comes out. Sometimes when you spot a lie, it actually points the direction, as whereto look...Then ask yourselves, "Why?". (Sorta like counseling)'s best to start out, with NO preconceptions, political, or commercial. Let's just get everything! Also, I noted in the article, that they have notched up the amount to 800,000 Barrels a day. Well that figure is still rising toward mine, by leaps and bounds! I think I posted the 800,000 number earlier, but only as info, as to how it was going up, toward what I got earlier. My first number I got was 4 million. If that turns out to be the case, I'll post my sources, for you all to check out...ok? That way, the more scouring the data, and their sources, that might turn up something, that points the way to capping it!
Shit,, if this turns out, we might even start a band!(wink)

I think that for the time being, I was considering how the oil could be gathered for use! Kevin Costner, testified before a Congressional hearing, about the use of centrifuges....which I heard about, a few years back, because my son was looking into investing in one. So, I familiar with these things, and the DO work,(Separating the oil from the water). Apparently they are using them, in quite a few locations, on the globe..... So when I heard of Costner promoting them, my ears perked up.
That doesn't help cap anything, but I thought, that if anyone wanted to check in on it, you might. I don't have tons of time(that's why I was so late in responding)

Thanks for the links, again! I'll be doing the woodshed!
