The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130120   Message #2932546
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
22-Jun-10 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Subject: RE: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
I looked up CiF Watch - the authors of the above Gaurdian 'watch' page - and got this. Here's a bit of what 'Engage' have to say about CiF Watch, by way of balance:

"CiF Watch is similar to initiatives that have been set up in recent years (Campus Watch, to name one) to malign scholars and writers on Middle East politics whose views fall foul of Zionists and pro-Israel lobbyists. The end result is often intimidation and the stifling of free expression as critics are smeared as antisemites for their views on Israel and Israeli policies.

The Guardian's Comment is Free website is a highly popular website which provides a forum for a wide range of writers including several Muslim ones. There have been numerous attempts made by pro-Israel lobbyists to try and force the removal of these writers."