The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #2933190
Posted By: Rog Peek
23-Jun-10 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: BROTHER PHIL (Abbie Hoffman)
BROTHER PHIL (Abbie Hoffman)
I saw him there on freedom's trail a-roaring songs and making bail We walked along through Georgia mud A-shouting out at racist crud
Chorus He fought the war, he won the fight His battles done he did it right Our brother died, our brother's gone It's up to us to carry on
Chicago shook him at a scene He wandered off to find his dream To Chile town for spirit pride Sadly crushed one bloody night
Chorus Down Africa to loosen chains Wound round their necks like horses reins To pound the beat, to work for peace Oh what a shame they rigged the lease
Chorus He tried to run, he tried to hide But the pain bore deep inside His cause was shot, he'd lost his roar And brother Phil would march no more
Chorus Now shed no tears for brother Phil For others rise and march they will He's playing in a loving band He gotta hold of angels hand
Chorus I'll be seeing yuh. (spoken)
Notes: This song, which Abbie wrote on hearing of Phil's death was recorded on tape and played at Phil's memorial concert at the Felt Forum in New York on May 28th 1976. Abbie, who at the time was a fugitive from the law attended the memorial in diguise, even though he risked arrest and imprisonment.
In 1984, Abbie was interviewed for Michael Korolenko's biopic "Chords of Fame, this is what he had to say about the song:
"I was in Montreal I guess in '76, when it, when it uh, when I heard the news, so I uh, I wrote a song, my first song about it, and I said….. because they asked me to participate in the benefit they were gonna…. the memorial they were gonna have to Phil in New York and I came. I was…actually I was scared outa my wits, got all disguised up, everybody recognised me though, knew it was me, and uh paid a tribute to Phil, now he's gone, left us here so sing a song. What can I say? The battle goes on." He then sang:
"I saw him there on freedom's trail a-singing songs and making bail We walked along through Georgia mud A-shouting out at racist crud"
Now Phil has gone hm hm hm hm. And left us here to sing his songs….. ………" "Can't remember it all yuh know………" RP Jul10