The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130345   Message #2933220
Posted By: Backwoodsman
23-Jun-10 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: A well balanced fair budget! (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: A well balanced fair budget!
Arthur, I agree that a mess was left and it has to be sorted out.

Just a shame that people like you and I (and others, some much worse-off than us) have to pay for the unholy mess caused by reckless, selfish and greedy people who were already rich by anyone's standards and who, despite being at the top of what should be an honorable and trustworthy profession, proved that they are utterly unscrupulous to the point of criminality.

It's all very well for Tory supporters on here to decry benefits scroungers and gurgle with unbridled joy at the news that those benefits are to be cut, but whose sins are worse - the single mum claiming benefit to pay for her kids' food and clothes, or the banker running his employer (and ultimately the country) into the ground to get millions in bonuses to pay for his luxury yacht or his villa in the West Indies?