The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129466   Message #2933237
Posted By: Donuel
23-Jun-10 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
The destruction of generations of birds, dolphin, turtles, blue fin tuna and smaller fish due to the spill, are the LEAST of my concerns.

My concern is the microscopic life we can not see such as phytoplancton, diatoms and tiny animals that comprise the very foundation of life in the waters and shores of the sea.

This invisible life determines all the rest of animal and plant life.
The big life forms we sea dying in agony is but the outer skin of onion.

The story of the invisible foundation of life will take about a year before it is openly discussed.


As for BP we all owe an apology to all of its billionaire owners right down to the most modest workers because we all undoubtedly enjoy and consume the benefits of the energy they produce. The price of oil is artificially low just as nuclear power electricity is low since we do not include the cost of the waste, accidents and global consequences in our energy bill.

We are all both the victims and the perpetators.
When we are blinded by the buck it is exquisitly easy to make horrendous choices.

When BP goes to drill in the slushy frozen methane depths in the Artic I am certain there will be more enormous spill, albeit those spills will be easier to hide disguise and lie about.