The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130345   Message #2933620
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
23-Jun-10 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: A well balanced fair budget! (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: A well balanced fair budget!
""Nick Clegg reveals Tories' £13bn VAT bombshell"

'Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg today revealed the £13.4bn VAT bombshell at the heart of the Tories' tax plans.

Analysis of the Conservatives' proposed tax cuts or reversals shows that they will cost over £13.5bn a year in 2011-12 prices – yet just £100m has been specifically identified to fund them.

That's pretty good going Emma.

Three biased untruths in three sentences.

Notwithstanding the individual positions of the parties pre election, all the decisions which have been made, are being made, and will be made, are the decisions and agreed policies of a coalition consisting of Tories and Lib Dems, so your basic sly dig at the Tories is at best poorly thought out.

We gave Blair time to show what he could do, and we gave Brown time to show what he could do, and they both bombed.

Kindly allow the new government considerably more than a month before condemning it for trying to clear up the abysmal mess inherited from those two shysters.

Don T.

Don T.