The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2933718
Posted By: Janie
24-Jun-10 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
Fertilized all the veggies today. The cherry tomatoes are setting fruit with np problem or hesitation. The heirloom "mortage lifter", may be another story. Time will tell.

Huge but brief wind/rain storm here this afternoon.   I have a humonguous peace lily (I've had it for 18 years and it was relatively big when it was given to me.) It had been perched on top of a file cabinet in my large office, recently vacated, and I had put it on top of the table on my carport, hopefully for the summer, while I contemplated building an addition (joke) to house it and a ficus I bought when it was small and also had in my large office. The storm blew the dang thing right off the table and turned it upside down. I am amazed (and somewhat disappointed) that more damage was not done.

I really do not know what I am going to do with either the ficus or the peace lily, but especially the peace lily. The diameter of the foliage is more than 4 feet. It ain't gonna fit in my new, smaller office, nor in the waiting room.

The ficus has also grown uncomfortably large, but not as large as the peace lily. I could probably accomodate it in my house, but it is so messy I'm not sure I want to. After living with a slob/packrat for 25 years, then moving into a house 45% smaller, I have become a bit of a fussbudget about clean, clear, easy-maintenance space. My emotional attachment to these two plants is in conflict with easy, clear, clean.

What's a girl to do?