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Thread #130368   Message #2933740
Posted By: Genie
24-Jun-10 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: US General McChrystall sacked for being honest
Subject: RE: BS: McChrystall sacked for being honest
GfS, you're straying more than a bit from the thread topic, but even at that, you've got some facts wrong and you're putting an unwarranted slant on most of the others.

1. Obama did not wait 57 days - or anywhere near that long - to respond to the disaster in the Gulf. He has been working with BP and in communication with state and local officials in the Gulf states and even visiting the gulf personally since early on after the initial explosion. Please do some serious, honest fact-checking.

2. As for Rahm Emmanuel, I wish he had tendered his resignation many months ago. He represents the ineffectual DLC, which is not only in bed with the big corporations but is also totally inept when it comes to both legislative and election strategy. He has been pulling Obama toward the "center" (read: the Right) in the vain attempt to garner a modicum of support from the Republicans, who do not want this President or the Dems to have any achievements at all, while thumbing his nose at the progressive/liberals who worked so hard to elect Obama and are likely to stay home in Nov. and in 2010 if Obama keeps kissing the ass of the Republicans and the multinational corporations.

3. The judge who overturened the "offshore drilling moratorium" (which applies only to newly developing wells and some deep shore opeartions, not to all oil drilling in the Gulf), should have recused himself, because he owns major stock in the oil companies.

4. "Everyone he campaigned for, lost." -- Not so. I'm sorry to say that Blanche Lincoln, whom both Bill Clinton and Obama campaigned for, beat Bill Halter in the Dem. runoff in Arkansas. (Lincoln will lose in Nov., where Halter had a better shot at winning. But her primary victory is attributable partly to her support from Obama and Clinton.)

Arlen Specter, whom Obama supported, lost, because he only became a Democrat when it was clear he would not be re-elected as a Republican.   I am very sorry that Obama supported him, because he was not only a true Democrat but a losing candidate at that. But he would have lost in November whether Obama supported him or not.   I suspect that Obama supported him because of some sort of deal they made when Specter switched to the Democratic party a couple years ago.

5. "His approval rating is plummeting."

Presidents' approval ratings go up and down like Johns' zippers. The Republican Party's current ratings are far lower than Obama's. And the ratings of Bush and Cheney in the last couple years of that administration were below 30%, sometimes in the teens.   The relevant question -- which way too few "new" agencies bother to ask -- is whom or which party people would prefer, and what rating they would give to the alternative parties and candidates.