or, The Miller's Daughter
Written, composed and sung by Harry Clifton [1864]
Down by the countryside
Lives old Gray the Miller,
Down by the side of
The millstream tide,
Grows a weepin' willer,
Under the Willer tree
Sat the Miller's daughter,
Singin' a song and gazin' long
Into the bubblin' water — Liquid —
She sat by the side of the bubblin' water,
Under the Weepin' Willer Tree.
She sat by the side of the bubblin' water,
Under the Weepin' Willer Tree.
Tears fell from her eyes,
Hands she was a wringin'
First she cries, and then she sighs
And then commenc'd a singin'
"All the world's a waste."
Life to me is "Ojous"
Since William he deserted me,
And went and joined the "sojers" — Army —
She sat by the side of the bubblin' water,
Under the Weepin' Willer Tree.
Then from her bosom she drew
A piece of needle cover,
And on it wrote a very short note
To her deceitful lover,
"Take this to William Phipps
Straight to him be tellin'
His Susan died thro' Suicide.
P.S. Please excuse bad spellin' — Orthography —
She sat [etc.]
She look'd at the thimble case,
Which William false had bought her,
She look'd to the right, she look'd to the left,
And then look'd into the water,
Then she did prepare,
Her mortal life to injure.
Her head was bare, and the colour of her hair
Was a sort of delicate ginger — Auburn —
She sat [etc.]
She look'd at the Willer above,
And said "I'll hang in my garter,
But what a mistake, if the garter break,
I shall be drowned in the water,
Shee look'd at the water below,
And her nerves began to totter,
"I'm not very bold, and I may take cold,
I'll wait till the weather is hotter — Milder —
She sat [etc.]
She rose and dried her tears,
And said since he's a rover
I will not mind, but try and find,
Some more faithful lover,
If one I cannot find,
To me it's very funny
As Love is blind, I'm half inclin'd,
To marry a man for money — Rhino —
She sat [etc.]
Source: The Bodleian Library, Harding Mus. R. 685.
Sheet music: London: Hopwood and Crew, 42 New Bond St. W. H&C 573
Lyrics and melody provided by Michael Heaney.
T:The Weepin Willer; or, The Miller's Daughter
C:Written, composed and sung by Harry Clifton.
S:The Bodleian Library, Harding Mus. R. 685.
H:Sheet music: London: Hopwood and Crew. Plate: H&C 573 [1864]
Z:Michael Heaney and Artful Codger
%%MIDI program 1 69
c2 B A B ^G E2 | c c B A B e3 |
w: Down by the coun-try-side lives old Gray the Mill-er,
c c/ c/ B A/ A/ B ^G E2 | C C D D E A3 |
w: Down by the side of the mill-stream tide, Grows a weep-in' wil-ler,
c2 B A B ^G E2 | c c B A (B e3) |
w: Un-der the wil-ler tree Sat the Mill-er's daugh-ter,
c c/ c/ B A B ^G E2 | C C/ C/ D D (E2 A) z | z2 E A z2 (HGF)
w: Sing-in' a song and gaz-in' long In-to the bub-blin' wa-ter Li-quid She_
E E/ E/ D D/ D/ C C c G | E E/ E/ D D E G, C ||
w: sat by the side of the bub-blin' wa-ter, Un-der the Weep-in' Wil-ler Tree.
% Chorus.
"^Chorus." (HGF) E E/ E/ D D/ D/ C C c G | E E/ E/ D D E G, C z |]
w: She_ sat by the side of the bub-blin' wa-ter, Un-der the Weep-in' Wil-ler Tree.
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