The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130345   Message #2934402
Posted By: Richard Bridge
25-Jun-10 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: A well balanced fair budget! (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: A well balanced fair budget!
Bonzo, your defence of tax avoidance is untenable. In case you, allegedly an accountant, did not read the small print of the budget, even your beloved Hitlerjugend and quislings are studying the adoption into UK tax law of a general anti-avoidance provision. That is not only because tax avoidance is the antithesis of the "we're all in this together" principle that you say the poor (who cannot afford it) should adopt while the rich carry on using bent accountants, but because tax specialists whose training was paid for by the inland revenue (I could name some names) jump ship once expert enough, turning from gamekeeper to poacher, so the rich have a steady flow of inside information to help them avoid even the limited burdens placed on them (and intended to be placed on them) by the tax system.

Incidentally, this also belies the Con-Dom assumption that the public sector is overpaid. Those tax specialists jump ship precisely because the private sector will pay more than the private.

Cameron and fags (in the sense of junior publicschoolboys who do errands for senior public schoolboys) may keep repeating "fairness" but beneath that thin mask lurks Thatcherwasm.

Aux barricades! Once again the French show some backbone while the English remain lackeys and lickspittles.

One of the other evil things that the bitch Thatcher did was abolish exchange control - precisely to assist her thieving cronies to take the money and run, rather than staying around because "we're all in this together". It's a one way street, and it's time to stop the traffic.