The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2934835
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
25-Jun-10 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Cheers, CS - it's just about the RIV first anniversary too, so I think I'll kick-off with this reworked version of the atop post (vegetarian to vegan, I suppose; and a slight change of tune)...

Poem 101 of 230: JUST SUBSIST


D F# G F# G A G G
D A A G F# G G G
D A A G F# G G G
D A A G F# G G G -
i.e., each last-line repeated)

At times when I've had time to take,
    I've thought of a plot by a lake.
The place would be of fertile ground,
    With native flora all around.

The plot's dwelling would be basic -
    Well insulated, made of brick.
Plus, on this abode, there'd be built -
    Solar panels, kept at best tilt.

And, also tapping nature's hand,   
    Sails turning atop a stand.
Orchard and vines, for fruit and shade;
    Plus, in thin beds, vegetables laid.

Up at dawn, to use all sunlight -
    Farm by day, play and sing at night.
A spouse with me I'd not resist -
    In retirement, we'd just subsist.

(C) David Franks 2003
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