The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129911   Message #2935321
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jun-10 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Subject: RE: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
First of all, Itchy's time table is completely outta "whack"... Opps, sorry, Al...

But really... Three hours to complain about about his schedule before gettin' 'round to tellin' the massauge lady what's hurtin'??? That is just not believable... The entire time line is not believable... If this woman spend what amounts to to be 28 hours with Gore...Either that or Al checked into the hotel, got situated in his room and all this tuff occured in 28 minutes??? Either way, it bullshit!!!

But nevermind Itchy's bullshit time line... Hey, what had Al and Tipster been married??? A hundred years??? Two hunnert??? I mean, even if this massuage lady did everything that ol' Al had ever dreamed of havin' done to him, geeze, folks, it was only a sexual encounter... Who cares... I mean, ain't like I'm into that but I'd like to think that if I got all drunked up on Iron City at a gig and some woman decided to have her way with me that, if that's all I did, I wouldn't think the P-Vine would deevorce me over it.... And, goes the other way, too... People don't thro out a good marriage over one mis-step unless they were just lookin' fir a way out to begin with...

This is a red herring... Like who the fuck (pun intended) cares???
