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Thread #129466   Message #2935624
Posted By: Stringsinger
27-Jun-10 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spil
It's amazing to me the arrogance and ignorance that is expounded in defense of BP not to be blamed for its "hole in the earth" and the idiocy of claiming that they know what will happen as a result of this disaster by those who sound like Tony Hayward, "Trust us, we have everything under control". Rampant corporatists and technological sociopathic behavior is being trotted out by the so-called "experts" on this thread. I don't care who worked for BP or AMOCO or any other irresponsible drilling operation, it is all denial of the most insidious sort. The claim that there was any vestige of responsibility for the safety of the drilling operations is completely without merit.

Can you imagine this arrogance and ignorance being applied to the nuclear energy companies? We'll have Three Mile Islands and Chernobyls happening more frequently now since we can defend the lack of safety concerns by energy corporations.

BP is the tip of the iceberg.

In a sense, the corporate world has declared war on the U.S. Maybe Britain has as well, since they house BP. It is after all British Petroleum.

BP apologists make a mockery of the logic that undoubtably caused this disaster.
It is unregulated capitalism, a weakening of the U.S. government through the lax regulatory agencies, a limpid defense of off-shore drilling in spite of the risks it poses,
an economy that relies on oil for wartime purposes to run expensive weaponry and aircraft, and a series of nutty "experts" who claim to know something about the assault
on the American Gulf region. The results speak for themselves. The American Gulf Coast has been ruined, probably irrevocably and the lives of the inhabitants damaged for a long time. This has become the American way of life where the lives of innocent people in foreign countries are taken for the benefit of corporate capitalism but also the destruction of lives in our own country.

The politicians in our Senate and House have been bought and sold.

Also, the corporation have been the Frankenstein Monster created by none other than Supreme Court Justice John Roberts in his ruling re: Citizens United where he has declared
this Monster a "person" with privileges equal (or some cases more equal) to an American citizen.

It all fits into a neat picture of corruption, dysfunction, sociopathy and a broken system of government. It's a tacit acceptance of Gordon Greco's pronouncement, "Greed is good".

What has to be done is resistance against the corporate world, the dysfunction of equivocating politicians, the refusal to accept the rhetoric of the BP's of the world
and organizing on the grass roots level to create an alternate universe.

I don't trust apologists for BP or any of the rhetoric on this thread by those who claim to be "experts". They are part of the problem. Instead we must face the destructive reality that this hubris, wonkishness and so-called expertise has caused the Gulf Disaster and can lead to other tragedies and organize to resist them.

I think that the communities in the Gulf have already realized that this is their only way out of this quagmire.