The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130404   Message #2937146
Posted By: Georgiansilver
30-Jun-10 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk Festival are GO!
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum Folk Festival are GO!
The committee have informed me that Willam McTell... (the Folk singer who shoots apples off his sons head with bow and arrow) will be performing for us... at Blitherscrum this year.   It has been decided that see through tents,,, such as that used by that gorgeous blonde last year are to be banned this year as the noise from some of the men watching her get ready for bed kept their wives awake.
Still open to suggestions for a few more performers and anything we can do to make it a happier festival... It has become better each year so far, let's keep it up!.. if you pardon the expression!