The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130131   Message #2938157
Posted By: Teribus
01-Jul-10 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Subject: RE: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Those were the things that probably caused the worst damage, and led to the most deaths down the years.

Kevin you have got to be fuckin' kidding haven't you. You have got to be having a joke here.

"Led to the most deaths down the years!!!"

Lies, cover ups. You can pin it all down to to one Sunday afternoon where 14 people died??? Are you joking!!! What about the 87 murders that McGuinness had a hand in? Don't they count??

"The PIRA never deliberately targeted any civilians" do you remember that statement? Tell me, no tell us all whether or not that was a deliberate lie. Don't bother Kevin it was a fucking lie and the PIRA were forced, repeat forced into owning up to it.

3500+ died Kevin most at the hands of Nationalist/Republican groups, people they said they were "protecting" 36,000 were maimed and injured, they were being protected too.

Want to count lies and the effects of the lies told Kevin???

THEN FOR FUCKS SAKE DO IT HONESTLY!! APPLY IT TO BOTH SIDES. Just for once tell yourself the truth.

I will pose you the same question that I posed Jim Carroll:

Give me the name of one member of any paramilitary group nationalist or loyalist who gave their lives to save the life of any innocent civilian man, woman or child between 1968 and 1999.

I CHALLENGE YOU THERE ARE NONE. And you have got the affrontery and the gall to lay the blame of loss of life in Northern Ireland at the door of the British Government and the Armed Forces of the Crown.