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Thread #129466   Message #2938535
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Jul-10 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Latest that I've gotten: They are boring, not just into the 'pocket' but into the actual shaft to relieve pressure, by diverting the main flow, to other new shafts. To me, all I can say is, all the more power to them! Hope it is successful!
   Next, they have noted that the ocean floor has risen a bit there, and I don't have the measurements, of how much. With that is the concerns about the pocket this will leave,(as posted before), and/or concern if a collapse, when it is over, would cause a tsunami. Don't laugh, they were discussing it on the try...try real hard, to just grit your teeth, and not shoot the messenger!
   Next, they have hit MASSIVE pockets of methane, where the crew on the rigs, all had to stop drilling, and put on protective gear. They are having to be extra pre-cautious, because methane is HIGHLY flammable, and they're saying it was the cause, of the first drilling rig's blast,..(at least, that's what their saying).
   Also, the report, on the radio, confirms another earlier report, which I posted, (and was poo-pooed about), that the pressures were 'upwards of 100,000 psi'(exact quote). My earlier posted report was 20 to 70 thousand, if you recall.

    Finally, the reports of widespread ill effects of the toxic gasses are coming in, nausea, headaches, dizziness, etc, etc.

So, there you have it. The latest reports coming in. As per aforementioned,as time went on, and 'new revised numbers' would be coming in, that they would confirm what I posted originally. My apprehension is, I wonder if my original numbers have gotten time has gone by!

Peace and Best Wishes,