The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2312   Message #29400
Posted By: Cuilionn
26-May-98 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: Song Circle Locations
Subject: RE: Song Circle Locations
Alricht, after luikin' thro' half a hundrit posts, I cannae find onythin' on current singin' circles in Denver or Seattle. I'm gang back tae Seattle frae th' Simmer, an' curious tae ken whae folk are gaitherin' on a regular basis besides my maist odd an' irregular group o' Gaelic singin' friends. I'll be back in Denver for th' school year for anither three years, an' wuid dearly love tae jyne in wi' Denver folk if ye'll gie me a hint o' where tae luik.

As I'm an impoverished graduate student, I'm hopin' there's folk whae meet somewhere that's served by th' public bus...

Muckle obligit for ony an' a' suggestions!

Tapadh leibh,
