The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130131   Message #2941060
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jul-10 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Subject: RE: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
"if the North wants Union and the South does not will you accept that decision? "
Not only would I accept that decision - I DO ACCEPT IT and always have because that is apparently the position as it stands at the present time. But I also say thet if that remains the position, then so does the instability, the threat of further violence and further incidents like Bloody Sunday.
Those who put together the Partition did so with the intention that it was a stop-gap measure in the full realisation that it was not a long term solution.
Partition was not put in place because that was what the Irish people wanted, it was to placate a Protestant minority and was itended to keep the peace until a further solution could be found. Because the Unionist two-thirds used the situation to maintain their authority over one third of the population of the six counties, the peace has not been kept and the inequalities of the two factions remained right up to comparitavely recently.
Whatever statements have been made here, the desire for a united Ireland has not gone away; as I said, it still remains as an aim of all the main political parties, though it has been put on the back-burner for the sake of peace at the present time - the same stop-gap measure it was originally. I repeat, though I have no doubt it will continue to be distorted, if it is democratic that the unionist minority in present day 'Britain' have a right to decide that the border remains in place, it is equally democratic that the British people have a right to decide their involvement in maintaining that border. No one has even suggested that the British people as a whole are opposed to the Union as it stands concerning Ireland - so it means tha situation as it stands can only me maintained by refusing the British people as a whole the right to have their say on the matter. "
"please give examples of racism against Gaels here, because I have never seen any."
To borrow an earlier statement - WHAT PLANET TO YOU LIVE ON? Britian is an extremely racist nation and the Irish have been one of the major targets for centuries - a sort of combination of Punch, Bernard Manning and Richard Bridge is pretty well the norm at the presentr time.
Jim Carroll