The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2942323
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
09-Jul-10 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
Again from John King.

For those correspondents who wanted more details of the LGA bogus survey into noise complaints as mentioned in the LMF Press release - here is the original article from the LGA website. We obtained confirmation that NO council leader was in fact contacted.

Proposals to allow pubs and bars to put on live music without the need for a licence could lead to a massive increase in noise problems, council leaders warned today, as a survey was published into the possible impacts of planned changes to the 2003 Licensing Act.

A poll of council licensing officers carried out by the Local Government Association Group found 9 out of 10 think proposals to relax the rules for venues would lead to an increase in complaints about noise and nuisance. More than half said they expected the increase to be considerable.