The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130627   Message #2942580
Posted By: VirginiaTam
09-Jul-10 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
oh for frick's sake... to many goldarn berfdys this month


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||                         / @ @ \          oOoOo               ||
||                        |         |       ,==|||||               ||
||                         \    ~ /       _|| ||||| one for Rum ||
||                         '.___.'    _.-'^|| |||||               ||
||                        __/_______.-'    '==HHHHH               ||
||                   _.-'` /                   """""               ||
||                .-'    /   oOoOo                               ||
||                `-._   / ,==|||||                               ||
||                   '-/._|| ||||| one for Beer                  ||
||                     / ^|| |||||                               ||
||                   /    '==HHHHH                               ||
||                   /________"""""                               ||
||                   `\       `\                                  ||
||                     \       `\   /                            ||
||                      \         `\/                              ||
||                      /                                          ||
||                     /                                           ||
||               jgs /_____