The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130524   Message #2943464
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jul-10 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: July-2010-DeClutter & Exercise Accountability
Subject: RE: July-2010-DeClutter & Exercise Accountability
Made more progress this morning in the kitchen and living room, plus I pulled the sheets off of the guest room bed (not the same as the bed in the front room where my son's friend slept, but I got those sheets a couple of days ago). Everything will be made up fresh for the next time we have visitors. Or my son decides to relocate from his room for a night. :)

Cleaning out the fridge. I ate three not too fabulous peaches, they were on the dry side and the skin wouldn't peel after blanching, but I hated to toss them. I used the vegetable peeler, then had to cut the fruit off of the stone, and I put huge dollops of vanilla yogurt over them to cover a multitude of deficiencies. Got rid of (oured down the drain, didn't eat!) some soup stock I should have frozen but didn't, and the little bowl of grease is in the trash to go to the curb tomorrow. Lots of little stuff I usually seem to forget got taken care of.

It's finally a gorgeous day out, but I haven't been outside yet. There won't be anything in the garden to pick yet, it just doesn't produce as well when we have so much rain. Now give it a week and it will go gangbusters. But anyway, I'm waiting in hopes that if it was still humid this morning that the direct bright sunlight will heat up the air and dry it out. I want to walk outside into a hot dry day.

Gotta get rid of the box the new television came in. It has been set up running long enough to know it's doing a great job. This box will go in the attic. I like having a large expanse of cardboard handy in case I need to slide something large across the floor. It's the best thing if you don't have those little white skid stick-on feet.

Enough for now. Back to work. I have to move a filing cabinet out of my living room if I can find a good place where I'll still use it.