The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130720 Message #2943595
Posted By: Gurney
11-Jul-10 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: song about Husband wearing lover's pants
Subject: RE: Husband wearing lover's pants
Memory starting to kick in. Maybe 'The Butcher and the Parson.'?
...."So softly does creep, puts on Parson's best britches, his wig and his cloak, and then off to his lady to make up the joke,
and sing fol-de-rol, fol-de-rol day.
He knocks on the door with his courage so bold, with Parson's best coat on, and plenty of gold. The maid, she comes down in the dead of the night, she was half fast asleep when she gave him a light,
"Where is your missus?" "In bed." said the maid. "Go open the door then, unto her." He sayed.
And a night of payback cuckoldry ensues, to the morning dismay of the Parson's wife.