The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130720   Message #2943635
Posted By: Steve Gardham
11-Jul-10 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: song about Husband wearing lover's pants
Subject: RE: song about Husband wearing lover's pants
The English language ballad generally goes under the title 'The Horned Miller', 'The Canny Miller and His Wife'

Versions in Bodleian Broadside Ballads website, Harding B25(861)
Holloway and Black, Later English Broadside Ballads, Vol 1 p111
Logan's Pedlar's Pack p389
Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs, Vol 2 p293 (2 fragments)
Newly published 'Secret Songs of Silence' by Ian Spring p127. See separate thread on this for availablility and offers to Mudcat members.
Greig-Duncan Vol 7, p319 (4 versions from oral tradition.)

I'm sure I have also come across other English ballads on the same theme but for the moment they escape me.

The story will also have a folktale number in Arne-Thompson as well but I haven't got access to this.