The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130773   Message #2945417
Posted By: Allan C.
15-Jul-10 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Missing smoking
Subject: RE: BS: Missing smoking
It was September 6, 1978, the day before my then-wife's birthday. I hadn't found anything to give her as a gift. She'd been after me to quit smoking and so I decided that this would be the gift. In my workshop I created a tiny, velvet-lined casket in which I placed my last Marlboro. I drove a tiny wooden "stake" through the place where one might imagine a heart. Then I painted a tiny drop of blood dripping from the stake. This was the gift.

I somehow managed to remain smokeless for the next two decades, lapsing only when fishing with my Marlboro-smoking fishing buddy. (I rationalized that it kept the mosquitoes away.) This illustrates what I came to realize over time: From the time I "quit" I have been "blessed" with the ability to smoke at times with impunity. I have smoked for a few months at a time and have still been able to simply "walk away". My heart goes out to those for whom quitting has been such a struggle.

Another discovery was that I was a "social smoker". You've heard of social drinkers - well, it is sorta like that. When I used to hang out at a coffee shop with my daughter, Kelly, I always smoked with her. Most folks who knew me during my stay in England knew that I smoked; but I really believe it was mostly because I was virtually surrounded by others who smoked.

That said, I haven't had a smoke since late 2004 and am highly unlikely to ever smoke again. Do I miss it? Yes, at times - especially when I catch a whiff of a passing Marlboro. (Other brands don't create any similar reaction which really does make me wonder what they put in those things!)

This is a rather long-winded way to get to what I really wanted to say. Yes, the cravings do continue even though they do fade by a lot over the years. Just hang in there and the cravings will pass.