The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #2945854
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Jul-10 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
I hope it's just that he is still processing anesthesia-- sleeping too much (and too hard) and eating too little. I had to hand feed him ydy and today. Today he didn't really tuck in till Sadie was invited into his face to compete. But he will take treats, but he cannot eat them (play first is why) in his QE1 ruff. So I take it off and put it back on.

I would say that since he came home post-op he has eaten about a total of no more than 3 cups of kibble-- closer to 2. Not drinking much either, despite heat. (I'm fan-cooling him.) This has to change by tomorrow or it's very wet canned food to add flavor and water.

We see this with peeps discharged after surgery too, the lack of appetite. The less app you have the less you eat. The less you eat the less appetite. Vicious cycle. Usually takes calories to reboot it.

F is not one of those dogs who will eat when he is ready to eat. He's not finicky exactly, either, and doesn't insist on meat. He's just off, from time to time, usually for reasons I'm not smart enough to understand till I stumble onto a solution. Good ole hindsight, after much frustration-- AFGO.

Or tomorrow could be Mickey D-- he loves the occasional cheeburger. Might bring him one hoe when we step out later for ice cream. Dollah Burgah.
