The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130773   Message #2946067
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy Warren
16-Jul-10 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Missing smoking
Subject: RE: BS: Missing smoking
I am still finding hard to completely give up because I do actually enjoy it especially after a day at work and in the evening when I have some quiet time to myself. However, I totally agree on the total ban of smoking in enclosed public places and also some outside dining areas and admit that I am feeling the benefits from this myself. When the introduction of the banning of smoking was imposed on buses a while back it was one of the best things introduced. At first smoking was designated just to one side of pub eateries as it was in the cinemas but it was just ridiculous because the smoke was drifting over to the otherside and reaching the non-smokers and families and was no benefit at all. Families can relax now in the knowledge that they can go out and eat as a family without the risk of breathing in someone elses smoke not to mention the improvement on the environment with the disposal of cigarette ends and ash. The only downside is that now the smell of tobacco and cigarette smoke is gone the odours from public conveniences can be easier to pick up especially the gents loo ho ho, (debate)). Whether I will give up totally I don't know, I will give it another try.