The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130536   Message #2946551
Posted By: jacqui.c
17-Jul-10 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jacqui.c visiting California this July
Subject: RE: BS: Jacqui.c visiting California this July
What a day. The tar pits were amazing - you don't quite believe it until you see the stuff bubbling up out of the ground. The exhibits were great - lots of skeletons of extinct creatures and a garden with a stream, home to carp and turtles.

We managed, after some trying, to get to the Walk of Fame and spent time looking for the necessary stars with which to have photos taken. I came across William Shatner's star and took a photo for Little Hawk.

The best part of the day was visiting Mary Katherine, who has a veritable cornucopia of musical memorabilia, posters, photographs, music and books. I spent the first ten minutes just looking around, open mouthed, at the treasures she has, including a signed photo of all four Beatles with Peter, Paul and Mary, which Mary Katherine took. There isn't an inch of wall space that hasn't been used for posters and photos for Folk, Bluegrass and Blues stuff.

MK was kind enough to give us the use of her laundry facilities and then took us up the hill to get a good view of the Hollywood sign. She even took photos of all of us in front of the sign. We went back to her place and were introduced to her daughter, a real Star Wars fanatic, who has the most amazing collection of Star Wars stuff that I've ever seen. This time it was Lewis who was speechless and ended up leaving with a few treasures. MK generously treated us to dinner in a local diner, terrific food, and refused to allow us to pay for the meal. (I WILL get my own back, lady, just wait and see!)

We drove back to the motel along the freeways, passing the lighted city buildings, which looked almost like a science fiction backdrop.

Right now Lewis has just gone to sleep - it took a while for him to come down off his high - and our bags are part packed for the flight to Las Vegas in the morning. I'm just finishing a glass of wine before hitting the sack myself.

Night all.