The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130853   Message #2946715
Posted By: Ed T
17-Jul-10 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: offensive words
Subject: BS: potentially offensive words
I noted in a recent thread, a poster used the word "retarded", and was taken to task for it. I never use the word in the context it was used. But, do hear it used that way now and then, mostly from folks that don't intend to offend anyone associated with a mental issue.

That got me thinking. Many of us could be unknowingly using one or two words that are considered inappropriate, if only in certain societies, countries or locals...or by particular groups.

I recall being taken to task for using the words "girls" and "ladies", when I should have been saying women. I was told to be careful when using the word "adopt" by a woman who had just adopted a young child....she was taking issue with the word in a community project called "adopt a stream". (I have made adjustments with using words, when told they should not be used, or should be used differently).

I noted a word issue yesterday on CNN, where someone used the term "coloured", intending to say black. I also came accross folks saying Oriental, when they meant Asian, and Eskimo, when they meant Inuit.

So, got any words (or wisdom) to share that we should be careful of, when posting or speaking?