The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130863   Message #2947266
Posted By: oggie
18-Jul-10 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
Subject: RE: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
The current incarnation of the EFDSSis doing great benefit to to Folk Song, Folk Dance and Folk Music.

I came to folk through dance, then I sang, now I play more music. All three are welcome within the EFDSS umbrella and long may it continue.

If Dick thinks there are disadvantages perhaps he would like to spell them out?


PS What is done is done, I have this mental image of the FSS saying that concertinas were only meant for dance music so of course you can't sing with them and as for guitars... The only true folk song is unaccompanied and harmonies don't exist in the "tradition".