The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129466   Message #2947399
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
18-Jul-10 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Thanks for linking the Shell-BP comparison video- It is well-presented. As I remarked in this or the other thread, it is unusual for engineers of a major to denigrate the work of another major and sometime partner.

There is now worry that the oil is not contained, that there is gas coming up from below. An announcement expected Monday.

Somehow BP reminds me of the drunken guest who barffed on the carpet and said, "Oh, well, it isn't my carpet." The BP errors will take years to correct.

Shore rock around Prince William Sound still hides leaked oil, and organisms important for the basal food chain are scarce. Small seabirds are still uncommon, and the herring harvest has been lost.
Millions of people are affected by the situation in the Gulf.