The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130863 Message #2947515
Posted By: The Sandman
19-Jul-10 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
Subject: RE: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
Nick EFDSS, Thankyoufor your post, this thread is an excellent opportunity, for EFDSS to let mudcat and the world know what they are doing., how much dance and song they are in fact promoting. It is a pity that some other contributors have to be so defensive , and rude. I would be interested to see how much money is allocated to each. there is no beter way of dispelling myth[ the english dance and forget about song society], than providing facts that prove this wrong , if for example song gets as much financial support as dance, it clearly is a good thing that the two societies are joined.